Yogyakarta – Scores of people from an alliance of several civil society groups held a protest action in front of the General Elections Commission (KPU) offices in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Wednesday April 24.
Documents containing the term 'Anwar Usman'

[From an oped piece in Kompas.id by Yasraf A Piliang titled "Crimes are never perfect"]

Jakarta – As many as 303 academics have submitted an amicus curiae or friends of the court brief with the Constitutional Court (MK) so that it will rule fairly and justly on election disputes in the 2024 presidential ele

Isnaya Helmi, Jakarta – A demonstration by a number of protesters in front of the General Elections Commission (KPU) offices in Menteng, Central Jakarta, has continued into the night on Monday March 18.

Yogyakarta – Dozens of people from the social group People's Alliance Against Fraud held a demonstration to protest alleged fraud in the 2024 elections in front of the Presidential Palace or Agung Building in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Friday afternoon, February 23.

Yogyakarta – Dozens of people calling themselves the Jogja Pro-Democracy Citizens held a theatrical action in front of the regional General Elections Commission (KPU) office in the Central Java city of Yogyakarta on Tuesday February 20 as a form of protest over the 2024 elections.

Dian Dewi Purnamasari, Jakarta – The civil society coalition is determined not to normalize or condone the massive violations and fraud that took place during the 2024 elections.

Erfan Erlin, Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition for Safeguarding Democratic Elections has rejected the results of the 2024 elections.

Jakarta – The Indonesian Civil Society Coalition for International Human Rights Advocacy has called on the public not to vote for a presidential and vice presidential candidate pair who will perpetuate a political dynasty and damage ethics in the 2024 presidential election.

Solo – Hundreds of students demonstrated in front of the Town Hall in Solo, Central Java, on Thursday February 8, in a counter rally against a "Kiss Gibran's Hand Action" that was held by a group of people two days earlier.

Jakarta – The All-Indonesian Student Executive Council Alliance (BEM SI) took over the Horse Statue in Central Jakarta on Thursday February 8 and put up a banner criticising President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo.

[From an oped piece in Kompas.com by Herlambang P Wiratraman titled "Instant Festival".]
It is not surprising if the public suspects that President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's statement that the president is allowed to campaign and take sides is loaded with political interests.

Ihsanuddin, Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition is inviting the public to impose ethical sanctions on presidential and vice presidential candidates number 2, Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo eldest son Gibr

Jakarta – Academic communities and students from a number of Indonesian campuses have banded together to issue statements criticising Indonesian President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo ahead of the 2024 presidential elections.

Jakarta – A Kamisan (Thursday) action today touched on the presidential and vice presidential ticket number 2 of Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto and President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo's eldest son Gibran Rakab

Zulkarnaini, Jakarta – A grouping of national figures have expressed concerns about the ongoing election process and say they have observed attempts to use excessive power to achieve further power.

Jakarta – Amnesty International Indonesia Executive Director Usman Hamid says that the cases of alleged intimidation against artist Butet Kartaredjasa and the criminalisation of Haris Azhar and

Yogyakarta – A large banner with the words "Most Embarrassing UGM Alumnus Nomination Submission" and a picture of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo was displayed in front of the Gajah Mada University (UGM) in Sleman, Yogyakarta, on Friday December 8.

Man: Lest the elections become sorrowful and troubled (A play on the acronym Pemilu meaning election and the word Pilu meaning sorrowful, unhappy, anxious, troubled or very sad).
Tentacle reads "Presidential election legal uncertainty"

Woman: Don't look left, don't look right, let alone give a "code"... you must stay neutral Mr.
Man (with "No practical politics" written on back): A message for village heads, right?
Man (with ASN on back): A message for us too!